Thursday, March 7, 2013

London Gangs UK

Across the world there are problems with gangs; in this video the main location is London. The video mainly focuses on how progressively worse the gang violence has gotten among the youth of London towns. In one part of the video a woman mentions that the violence from America has spread to London, and that it's making London unsafe; the woman states, " To me it has gotten to be like America, and America is violent". I found it interesting that she had mentioned something like that, comparing London's violence to America's. Towards the end of the video you see that the government and schools are trying their best to make programs to keep the children out of the streets and try to keep them occupied. I found that intriguing that the government is really trying to help the whole situation with gangs and trying to help children get out of the violence and do something productive with their lives. 

1 comment:

  1. i think that the women might have compared the London crime to American crime because the societies are so different that it is an odd occurrence that the crime situation is starting to become similar. though i do not believe that as a nation we are extremely violent you mainly hear about gang violence in America, which is another reason why she may have said that.
